Foreign languages so as to guarantee seamless immersion in a globalized world.
International exams for entry in foreign universities.
High-quality comprehensive education.
Our main statement is a school is the cultural experience and sharing of values in a bicultural environment.
Innovation, multilingual and bicultural.n pastoral, que acompañan el crecimiento de jóvenes íntegros forjados por los valores de la amistad y aquellos que se cultivan en el deporte.
WHY is quite generic – difficult to discern between schools.
International exams, family day, sports day, debates, concerts.
CAS activity, school missions, occasionally in student interactions.
Cultural traditions, fundraising events for social projects.
Curriculum that fosters initiative.
WHERE presents us with a challenge in how to cmmunicate visible actions.
Some staff are brand ambassadors, especially those who have studied at the school/university.
Yes, through the overall climate and best practices, but not necessarily the school motto.
Alumni and parents are the most loyal but also the most critical.
BRAND is very contextual in education.
Traditional values.
Able to pay school fees.
Values are not totally resonant with those of the community in our geographical location.