Visioning Retreats
Developing a shared inspirational vision for the organization is not only an indispensable process in terms of dealing with the magnitude and complexity of educational change, but also a wonderful opportunity to strengthen bonds amongst the leadership team, as well as sharing deeper reflections on the fundamental principles of the new educational paradigm.
The workshop proposes, through a one or two-day retreat, to collaborate through a tech enriched environment, by means of reflections and other activities that expose participants directly to the challenges faced by schools at this time in history, calling to reassess their practice, when the rules of the game have literally changed for education.
Through a series of instances specifically designed to foster creative thinking and collaboration, participants will jointly converge towards a new organizational vision, based on:
Utilizing state of the art software tools, participants will gradually coalesce their thought, ideas and reflections towards a shared vision that serves as a starting point for the schools’ future development plan.
All throughout the retreat, participants will be utilizing Web 2.0 tools, so that the experience itself constitutes its own case study for the intended changes in pedagogy. Having been exposed firsthand to such a learning modality, team members will be able to evaluate the effectiveness and implications of the new learning paradigm.
At the end of the retreat, participants will be able to access an online shared blog where all reflections and interactivities will be documented, and which can serve as a learning platform for the team to continue developing the visioning process after the retreat
The retreat can take place over a day or, ideally, in a day and a half, with the possibility of having a residential retreat and also, in that way, allowing participants to share informal interactions throughout the duration of the retreat. Schedule and contents are flexible and adaptable to the school’s needs.