Digital Marketing for School Leaders – Week 1

Welcome to our course! Every week, we will be publishing content on this hub, including prompts and interactions to prepare for our weekly session on Wednesdays.

The goal is to encourage you to get to know each other, discuss, reflect, explore and research so that we build a true learning community and take advantage of the infinite world of digital resources available for learning.

It is fitting that, at this age and time, we also attempt to model a different way of learning, as similar as possible to what we want to develop in our schools.

We want to know you!

Please send us a photograph, a short bio, and share with us your hobbies, what you like doing in your free time, what you are interested in.

Areas of Interest

Read the following article:

We want to know what your expectations are and, in order to do that, we ask that you please rank the following topics from 1 (Most important/most interested in) to 5 (Least important/least interested in)

Marketing meets Education

One of the central elements of our course is related to how many of the principles and tenets of marketing apply and can be adapted to the very particular world of schools and education in general.

In this first section, we will apply our own perspective to contextualizing Marketing in schools.

In this 5-minute video, Philip Kotler, who is considered the Father of Marketing, reflects on the evolution of marketing and, specifically, five stages.

After watching the video, please answer the following questions. Answers are anonymous, and we will be sharing a summary of these answers during our discussion on Wednesday, without individualizing them.

For each of the stages that Kotler outlines in the video, indicate how they translate or could be possibly reflected in your school community. We have completed the first one as an example.


Please send us your comments in the box below. What can you discern in these two advertisements? Are they effective? Why?

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