Week 4 – The Campaign
We are ready to put all the pieces together and garner definitive insights. This last module will focus on the general aspects of a marketing campain for schools as well as focusing on metrics and analysis of effectiveness of the various media outlets and actions.
Successful Campaigns
The following website is full of resources for school marketing:
Please read about the following two campaigns and write down some ideas based on the chart below:
(based on http://www.pz.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/See%20Think%20Me%20We_2.pdf)
Engagement Metrics – Resources
We have compiled a series of resources with regards to Engagement Metrics and applications that consolidate their analysis. Please review the following links in preparation for our meeting on Wednesday:
This site reviews in extensive detail websites and applications that concentrate analytics in a single report:
Case Study – MIS – Messages for each media platform
Continuing with our practical example, as mentioned in our last meeting, we will now be determining which messages to which audience will be channeled through the 4 social networks that we have covered in greater depth.
The goal of this exercise is to attempt to systematize our planning for greater effectiveness in real life. Even though we may intuitively know the most approporiate fit for messages and audience, it is always a healthy habit to try to discriminate channels for maximum effectiveness.
Please complete the form below.
Education, Marketing and Life
Please watch this conversation with Seth Godin (American bestseller author and marketing expert) about Education, Marketing, and Life, in which he states “School is for teaching people to lead and to solve interesting problems”:
In his popular talk on Education, he includes a thought provoking manifesto:
Please share with us your final comments, reflections, ideas and suggestions in the box below: