Working together with Lenovo, The Learnerspace developed a new and unique event, an Education Summit which convened more than 50 heads of schools and leaders of education organizations, who spent two days and one night at a hotel in Areco to learn together and design collaborative projects related to the future of education.
Sponsored by Microsoft, Intel and Lenovo, and taking advantage of the beautiful natural setting, through walks, interactivities, reflections, and a joint creative process which fostered a unique environment, participants then collaborated using Lenovo technology in order to come up with innovative projects that they will follow through in the year as a way for education leaders to collaborate in pushing forward the agenda for relevant and engaging implementation of educational technology in our schools.
At this opportunity, we presented for the first time ever our Lenovo Learnerspace software, a project-based learning collaborative online platform that we are developing and which will be exclusively marketed by Lenovo.