Family Fun Games

One of our new projects, a fun and exciting possibility to continue learning and the online world, features a series of interactive games where families, connecting via Zoom, can take part in all kinds of learning challenges and share the joy of learning. Our first edition featured families from Argentina and Colombia, who playfully competed … Read more

The Learnerspace goes online

The sudden transition to the online world was fairly seamless for The Learnerspace. Since technology and the online medium were natural hosts for most of our activities, we have been very busy and active developing learning experiences in the online world. Together with one of our partners, Lenovo, we delivered three webinars on lessons learned … Read more

The Next Learnerspace

As the world grinds to a halt, and education systems worldwide rethink their practice, The Learnerspace was hard at work laying out the foundations for the future of learning and the future of our own company. We are in the early stages of joining forces with The Next Institute, one of the leading consulting companies … Read more

Future of Education Event

Together with Fundación Vivir Agradecidos, this past November 28, we hosted a large scale event with more than 300 participants, Educando a Nuestro Futuro, an interdisciplinary conference including mindfulness, meditation, contemplative practices, and the latest neuroscience findings that provide support to the positive effect of such interactions. International speakers delivered keynote addresses in the morning, … Read more

Educando Nuestro Futuro: an interdisciplinary approach to wellness education.

Together with Vivir Agradecidos, the local branch of, The Learnerspace is hosting and organizing an international event on wellness education, neuroscience, compassion and mindfulness, featuring some of the most renowned international and local speakers in these areas. This daylong event, which will take place this upcoming November 28, will feature keynote sessions in the … Read more

Talks at Colegio San Bartolomé

Invited by the Churchill Foundation, The Learnerspace presented two talks to teachers and administrators at Colegio San Bartolomé, one of the most traditional and innovative schools in Rosario. Working with teachers from all three levels of the school, we embarked on a virtual school of some of the best schools in the world and then … Read more

Design Learning Workshop @ ABSCH

On August 27 we held a Design Learning workshop in Santiago, Chile, where we worked with senior teachers and administrators from schools in the ABSCH, Association of British Schools in Chile. Starting from a real-life problem, the design of a new interschool event for the Association, participants researched, collaborated, applied their creativity and critical thinking … Read more

Education Summit Lenovo at Paracas, Perú

The Learnerspace was invited to deliver a workshop at the education Summit organized by Lenovo in Paracas, Perú, where we demonstrated the use of our Lenovo Learnerspace platform, and reviewed some of the best schools in the world as well as the challenges facing education at this juncture in a redefined education paradigm. We also … Read more

3-D Design Workshop with Ricoh and UAI

Utilizing our Design Learning protocol, we implemented back to back 3-D design workshops, one involving high school students and the other one teachers and principals from schools in the Buenos Aires area, at the 3-D design lab that Ricoh has set up at the Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI) By means of our Lenovo Learnerspace platform, … Read more

Designing the future with Steelcase

Coming up, now in April, we are collaborating with Steelcase, one of the world’s leading producers of innovative educational furniture, to work with school leaders through a design workshop that will reinterpret education trends and tendencies through artistic creations that allow them to experience firsthand a student centered learning project as well as how design … Read more