The Next Learnerspace

As the world grinds to a halt, and education systems worldwide rethink their practice, The Learnerspace was hard at work laying out the foundations for the future of learning and the future of our own company.

We are in the early stages of joining forces with The Next Institute, one of the leading consulting companies in North America, developing a new and innovative initiative, The Next Learnerspace, a far reaching educational project seeking to work with young people and educators all over the world in hosting a space for new learnings and new forms of learning.

The first phase comprised a six-week design collaboration, during which over 40 leaders and educators from Argentina, Spain, Australia, Canada, the US, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, exchanged ideas, participated and interactive exercises, met once a week for a live video conference and generated a wealth of material that resulted in a master rubric and design principles providing clear guidelines for the subsequent development of the initiative.

In the following months, we will be working towards prototyping and coming up with the first actions of this new initiative, an exciting new iteration of our mission and vision.

If you would like to learn more about The Next Learnerspace, contact us at

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